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  • Suri1024
  • charles203
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    发表了博文 《木塔寺遗址》 - 木塔寺,即隋庄严寺,位于隋大兴城西南隅永阳坊东半部,今雁塔区丈八沟乡木塔寨村北。 隋初置宇文弼别馆于此坊。 隋仁寿三年(603年),文帝为献皇后立禅定寺。建筑大师宇文恺
  • cfipilot
    张掖木塔位于城市中心区域 西夏古城旁边 中心为砖石结构 外层为木结构 共九层 塔身细长 风格独特 现存建筑为民国时期重建 使人印象深刻。塔内宗教气息逐渐被商业行为取代 售卖纪念品等活动 使人略感失望
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    发表了博文 《木塔寺正午睡莲》 - 睡莲据说傍晚开得好。 但6月10日中午大太阳底下,c妹妹陪着我跑到木塔寺看睡莲。 天很热,花很小,还很少,少到我只见到了一朵半。 一朵黄,半朵白。
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    #狗饼##河西走廊# 木塔寺的楼梯跟华山的天梯有的一拼,要了老命了。过程越艰辛,结局越美丽。猜猜在塔顶可以看见什么?------ 祁连山脉的雪峰啊!祁连雪!太感动了
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  • worldnomad_01
    Located almost in the middle of the city, the temple looks much better from the outside due to its amazing architecture and makes for some good potos from the large square just in front of it.Otherwise, some nice views of the city from the top and ... that's it. It's worth a quick stop.
  • JPDeM
    Nothing exciting but ok to visit after Dafo temple. Just exit the temple from the north entrance. Not a must.
  • 112LouiseK112
    Although it looks good from the outside, in fact, it had to be rebuilt in 1926, and the inside is not very interesting. However, it is worth climbing to the top for a view of Zhangye
  • andrewknight7
    Earlier this month as I was on holiday I decided to visit the Wooden Pagoda temple in Zhangye city.The original temple is no longer there but the current rebuilt temple was built in 1926. The entry fee to the Pagoda is only 5CNY and great value for money.After entering the Pagoda you pass a Buddha on the ground floor and ascend several flights of stairs to the top. The Tower is hexagonal in shape and some 32 metres high.Take care with the stairs to the top as they are very narrow.At the top of the Pagoda there are amazing views of Zhangye city ,including the Quilian Mountains to the south of Zhangye city that provide a great view on a clear day!The top of the Pagoda also is great for takiing photos so don't forget to take your camera! Andrew
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