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guanyin buddhist temple

guanyin buddhist temple

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 賴小龍
    鸢飞鱼跃 海天共悦 --- 我们住「海悦六星级大饭店」,是新饭店 很亲切 很干净 很棒 很直得再去 澎湖风光 七美屿 最震撼人心 海涛惊艳 气势磅礡 我将再访 「海悦六星级大饭店」
  • Eilertwu
  • Rock6228
  • SummerJou
    在这里看澎湖花火节真的超棒,烟火在天空绽放,超级广XD 让我无法拍摄全景,哈哈,还好有带脚架来!有机会真的还要再去澎湖看花火节,等明年吧嘻嘻,飞一趟去澎湖看烟火真的非常值得!超推荐的哦~简直比101还要厉害啦!
  • elsiek
    This temple is worth a look but not so outstanding given other examples within Taiwan. Combine this with a visit to the recreational park and the rainbow bridge. All worth a look round. All best visited as the sun goes down to see a wonderful sunset
  • Piggogo
    Worth taking a look at the temple. But we went to the area for the rainbow bridge which is just in front of the temple. The bridge is illuminate with rainbow colours and the reflections at night just makes it more beautiful! It was a nice place to chill and sit down for a chat in the evening. You can also walk on the bridge though it is a little steep. As Penghu is still not loaded with large tourist groups, the place is still peaceful and enjoyable.We went during the opening day of the annual fireworks and it was fabulous! Fantastic 20 minutes fireworks display show. Very nice place to visit.
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