当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中国 >新疆 >伊犁 >伊犁河民族文化旅游村


  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍



  • 清韵520
  • 而而而
  • bubu_yj
  • OldRoadToursA
    We traveled to Yili (Yining) where we had the honor or staying with Abdulwahab's family. What a terrific way to experience the culture, food and hospitality of the Uygher people! His mother cooked a fabulous lunch for us despite the fact that it was Ramadan, and we broke fast with a huge feast along with his extended family. They were the most kind, genuine, gentle people. The food in Yili needs to be mentioned here: I have never had better ice cream in my life, and my travel mate ate a cumin barbequed fish that she said was the possibly the best fish she'd ever tasted!!!
  • LaohuPenang
    These are Uigurs who have been moved there as a tourist attraction. if you want to see real Uigur life go to other parts of town, there are still some untouched areas left.
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