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thunder bay museum

thunder bay museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 657kathrynl
    We really like going to our local museum every 3 months or so. There are great permanent displays as well as interesting rotating displays. It is affordable and enjoyable. Do stop in if you are in the neighbourhood. Lots of special events, very affordable and child friendly activities.
  • BepLep
    For a city the size of Thunder Bay, the museum is very well done. We went on a Tuesday which had free admission with a donation kindly requested. We had never been in Thunder Bay before so it was a good chance to learn the history.
  • familytimes2012
    Very reasonable prices. Free on Tuesday thanks to local sponsorship. We love going to the museum, the kids love the old favorite's and look forward to the new features. We always bring friends with us to share the fun. The gift shop is small but full of local books and articles. I like the prices the kids can get something small. The staff are always friendly and helpful.
  • CaesarJBSquitti
    A must see, located near City Hall and the Sports Museum.Park in front of the building and take the beautiful presentations of the city.A must see in the city.
  • joelster7
    Less than 10.00 for my wife and daughter and I and we got some great history on Thunder Bay!There was some great information about the ship wrecks of Lake Superior, too. I wish it would have had a little more information about the indigenous people of the area, but good stuff about the people that founded the town and railway in the area.
  • Estudante
    é um lugar muito interessante para quem gosta de história, fotos e objetos antigos tanto do canadá como de thunder bay.
  • 862leticias
    Eles tem muitas velharias e coisas de indios. Mas sao muito bem preservados e eles mostram com orgulho o que fez parte da historia dels
  • abeldemacedo
    Assim como a cidade, é um museu pequeno. Porém tem bastante coisas interessantes para se ver lá. Vale a pena uma passada, principalmente considerando que a cidade é ;imitada quanto a atrações.
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