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cape bonavista lighthouse

cape bonavista lighthouse

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • georgea942
    The weather wasn't the best when we arrived but we were lucky enough to see and hear a fantastic thunder and lighting storm. We sat in our car and watched the entire thing. Later we found out from one of the local guides that the lighthouse was actuality struck by lighting ..twice! Fantastic view of the rugged coastline. The lighthouse was pretty amazing too.
  • clairep122
    Great view. We spent a few hours just walking around and taking in the view. It is such a lovely place to visit. Highly recommended.
  • raoulm891
    Go out of season like I did and you will look out onto the North Atlantic and wonder how people survived the crossing and then made a living here
  • PerlynaKarpaty
    Nothing to dislike. Buddy and I also walked along the rocky cliff shore that the lighthouse is situated on. Feel the wind in your hair; smell the salty air of the Atlantic Ocean. Just wonderful feeling; difficult to express in words!!
  • rayjeanne
    The tour of the lighthouse with knowledgeable guides is a must. Just walk around the area and enjoy the views. Drive to the Dungeons nearby to walk along the cliffs and see where a cave has collapsed
  • 790marieh
    I have a weakness for lighthouses in windy places, and this one is the most beautiful I have seen so far in the world.
  • BethanyMegan1973
    You can't go to NFLD without going to this iconic lighthouse. It is a long drive out but worth it. We stopped at a few little villages along the way to break it up. While there we sat and watched several whales out in the ocean and also watched the puffins flying around so bring your binoculars!
  • Lauriea324
    Did not buy a ticket to see inside the lighthouse but walked all around. Beautiful views. The non profit gift center was a treasure. Great priced local hand knit items and the lady behind the counter could not of been friendlier!
  • Meaghan24
    Really neat lighthouse and you are able to view all of it's rooms. The guides are very knowledgable and have a lot to say of life in those days. You can also walk around the clifftops which has beautiful views as well as view puffins just offshore
  • jcosgroveUxbridge
    The only lighthouse where we could go up into top to see the lights. Very well presented with period furnishings, etc.
  • GordoniusDoofus
    I liked reading about the history of the Lightstation and the surrounding area. How the original sailors managed to get ashore with all those rocks blows me away. The scenery is awesome, and definitely worth a visit.
  • 55travel
    Go at dawn or dusk when the puffins are active. Fantastic views and photo opportunities! Check out the Cabot statue.
  • cf1966
    this is such a cool lighthouse and the guides are very knowledgeable. we even had the privilege of "cranking" the lever that made the weights travel up and down the lighthouse! this is a must see in Bonavista!
  • ChristianJ922
    This place is worthwhile to see. there is a nice view all around the lighthouse as well as during the access to this site by car. there is also a walking trail from Bonavista to the lighthouse along the coast
  • ldevries1215
    We didn't actually go the lighthouse when it was open. But you must go there at night. Around 7/7:30 pm the puffins start to come back in from the water. They fly right over your head and with a good camera and patience you can get some great shots. You can also see the whales in the distant (bring binoculars). Great spot to just sit and read and then stop at Dairy King on the way back.
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