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morgan museum

morgan museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • 934HeatherD
    This was a lovely homely museum. The staff described the pioneers of the area and answered all our questions. Fully recommend it for all ages.
  • 385lesp
    The Morgan Museum is a good little museum to appreciate the towns past glories as a major Australian inland port.Volunteers at the museum are very friendly and helpful if you need to research local history.
  • nichollettee
    Great place to see the history of this lovely village. Reasonable at $7 per family. The caretaker was very happy to be of help with information about the area and museums content.
  • Edith1950
    You will be surprised at all the displays that are available and exhibits. Set in a beautiful old warehouse from yester year. Focused on the beautiful River Murray, has information about the various history of the community groups in Morgan. The Museum would be of interest to both adults and children and I would recommend a visit.
  • IanN519
    Set in an old wharehouse this is a hands on place.Very little is hidden in glass cases, you can look and hold.Focused on the River Murray and Morgan, interesting, educational, and worth a visit.
  • AV0767
    Good range of information about Morgan's history although the placement of some exhibits and information did not flow well. For example, information about some river pioneers was directly above fossils found in the region. We did not have an opportunity to listen to CDs or watch DVDs from local residents as our daughter had had enough if looking around but it is a good idea to have them there. The $3 per adult entry fee is reasonable. We were expecting to see an old river boat at the museum (it was advertised on tourist brochures) but there weren't any boats there apart from a small scale replica of the 'Lazy Jane', which was used in the miniseries 'The River Kings'. Overall, a good but not exceptional way to learn more about Morgan.
  • PietroMorrizio
    The old town of Morgan has a strong history as a river port town, when paddle boats travelled the Murray River bringing the region's trade goods to the town long before the days of the road train, and the Morgan Museum has been set up to provide an interesting historical account of those times.I would like to preface this review by saying that I have visited places like the Cairo Museum, the American Museum Of Natural History, the Imperial War Museum, and the Museo Capitalino (to name a few), and so one-on-one, the Morgan Museum is obviously not going to compete with those world-class renowned museums. However, my rating factors in the size of the town & my expectations.However, given the size of the township of Morgan, and that while it's history is rich as a trade port, that it might not have the pedigree of these other nationally-historic museums in their respective countries, the Morgan Museum has done a fantastic job in recreating the conditions on the Murray River & in the town itself during the late 19th & early 20th century.The Museum is located in the old A. Landseer Shipping Agents warehouse on Railway Tce, which was built in the 19th Century, and restored in the 1980s after years of neglect. As the son of a former shack owner on the Murray River, I was often in Morgan through the 1980s & early 1990s, and I remember it's more ramshackle days & then subsequent restoration, so it was fabulous to see it in such a wonderful condition.Most of the exhibits centre around the paddle boats, but there is some interesting pieces of old agricultural equipment, carriages, and a great summary of how the train, long since gone in contemporary Morgan, influenced the town in those days.The Museum also has a Model T Ford that has been restored, and an interesting photo section on the town. I liked the old telephone exchange exhibit, and also models & paintings of the old town.The Museum has an entry fee of $3 per adult as of January 2014, and there are some concessional rates for pensioners & children. There are local souvenirs sold from the counter, and the museum has several interesting internet-based information areas.
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