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australian light horse memorial park

australian light horse memorial park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • johnkE1095CK
    Seymour's Light Horse Memorial Park is a fitting tribute to those who trained here before heading overseas. Its name is definitive: it is where the famed Light Horse units trained. It was also a training area (as was much of the land surrounding Seymour) prior to and during WW2.It covers an extensive area, so there is a bit of walking if the visitor is to gain the full experience. Unfortunately, access to the highest point at Anzac Hill is only for pedestrians along a well marked track. When at the top, you can also see the memorial to an aircraft which crashed during training. If you do not wish to walk, there is still a great deal to see and experience at the car park/base area, with stroryboards and metal sculptures to enhance the experience.Easy access from the Goulburn Valley Highway about 5km east of Seymour.From this park, visitors can cross the highway to the bushland nature reserve, where we can still see the remains of WW2 training facilities. There are many relics of military training around Seymour, marked by small cairns etc.
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