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heilig kreuz kapelle

heilig kreuz kapelle

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • folieske4
    Its location is amidst the fields, therefor its coordinates at Google Maps: 50.265342,7.318794 We parked our car next to the chapel. On the way to this chapel one passes its calvary (stations of the cross). The chapel is located in a picturesque setting but despite its picturesque appearance it bears a sinister history. Around 1700, to scare off the population ,there were many places of execution where death sentences and other sanctions publicly were carried out, and this place is one of them. The chapel may be a romantic panorama forms, it was once an execution yards where many people were beheaded. To surrender were there strange phenomena observed in which villagers regularly a female figure dressed in white. In the chapel it is icy cold, although the outdoor temperature is warm, as we can confirm.
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