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wallfahrtskirche klausen

wallfahrtskirche klausen

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • thetwowanderers
    We came across this church completely by accident as we were travelling along the Mosel and spotted a sign saying Panoramic strasse to Klausen and decided to investigate and we were so glad we did. The road up from the valley floor is a beautiful drive with spectacular views. We decided to continue on to Klausen as it said it had a pilgrimage church. The church sits at the top of the village and is quite large for the size of the village. It was very interesting to visit with lovely stained glass windows and a very unusual ceiling.After our visit we went for a coffee in the Eberhardsklause which is a community run space with a cafe, shop and a small library. We had a coffee and a wonderful slice of apple kuchen.
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