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weinschiff neumagen dhron

weinschiff neumagen dhron

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • better_beer
    Located in loverly area just about 15-20km from Trier this is an exceptionally unique experience. Variable length tours we think. We had one that was about and hour long and went through marvelous scenery on this beautiful recreation of a Roman oar rowed galley. sure fine the oars are installed but they use two diesels to get up and down the river. Guided tours and the more you know German the easier it is but even without, their English is good enough to get a basic plus tour well enough.Bring your own beverages as it can be a wonderful addition to the tour.In any case to get a tour like the larger ships but more personal and unique. A good time to be sure. Nearby the dock are several good places for food or drink as well as some B&Bs. A neat place to make a long weekend as well as see the river.
  • AnnaNina15
    Säkert roligt att vara här när det är festival och skeppet används. Annars ligger det bara där till beskådan.
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