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palais grosser gartens

palais grosser gartens

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Anakha
    Grosser Garten is, as the name implies, huge, so I'd expected to spend quite some time wandering around in it. I didn't though and I don't think that's the park's fault, but the season's. I visited in winter and, of course there were no flowers blooming and the city's green team was preparing the park for spring, so there were some works going on. I am curious to see what it looks like later in the year though, as there are lots of nice walking lanes and the castle itself is pretty impressive as well.
  • kgprashanth
    This is one of the best places in Dresden to be visited in summer / spring. The ambiance surrounding the Palais is fantastic in Summer and early spring and one can do hours of walking around this Palais in the gardens. A nice place to spend time with family and friends.
  • Rosiehylda
    This is a very nice park wth a cafe serving good basic german food and drink. It is also easy to park nearby cheaply. I would reccomend a bike to get around especially as Dresden in sooo bike friendly
  • DawnmarieO
    If you enjoy a relaxing atmosphere and walks this is a must, we spent a better part of the afternoon just enjoying the park. It is stunning with the gardens and flowers. The day we went there was a thunder storm rolling in, what a great way to see the Palais with dark skies and thunder rumbling in the back ground. We did get caught in the rain but to us that just adds to the day, we love to see the area we visit both with the sun shinning and with the glittering shimmer of rain. Great photos!
  • Wub67
    The palace in the 'Great Gardens' is a nice structure but it's the actual gardens that are the attraction. To get away from the busy city life, these gardens will do the trick. It's enormous size may put you off to go walking - many use roller skates, bicycles or the little train that goes around.
  • ajenkneja
    We didn't enter the palace, only enjoying the view from the outside. Located right in the middle of the city park, it sure provide the highlight and accent.
  • isabel_obu
    As part of our Segway tour, we went here. Loved it!! Beautiful and fun to imagine it actually being used as a vacation spot! Whole garden is relaxing; check it out!
  • 4melaniet
    This is Dresden's largest and arguably most beautiful park. In 1676 Johann Georg III commissioned it's creation and in 1683 the palace was built in an early Baroque style.There is a wide paved path running through the middle which is a popular track for runners, walkers, cyclists and roller bladers. Branching off the main path one can find smaller paths to shady lawns which are nice for reading a book or having a picnic.The Botanical and Zoological gardens are located on the edge of the park and there is a miniature railway that takes visitors on extensive tours.
  • Lavarcham
    This is a lovely place to stretch your legs for a stroll after visiting museums and galleries. As we approached the park we encountered the futuristic VW building housing the Phaeton car factory. Sleek, modern, more like an art gallery than a factory. We were welcomed inside to take a look. Well worth a peek. The meadows and trees in the park were lush and the shady pathways provided cool relief from the hot day. Miniature trains run toot-tooting through the park to the main station. Sweet.
  • amillieeeee
    a great place to picnic, see some flowers, and relax. great for kids as well. I loved all the photo opportunities and how around every corner there was something new.
  • Jana46
    We went there in the late afternoon and had a nice troll in the park, saw the palace and nice garden with summer flowers. There were also fine statues n the park. Many people go there to skate, run or ride a bike.Next day we went to Park railway,boarded the train at the station near the Transparent Volkswagen factory and had a nice ride through the park. It has six stations including one at the zoo and is 5,6 km long.
  • Sonny-A-H
    Close to the Volkswagen Manufacture, close to the kids Mini-Train Station or opposite to the Soccer Stadium of Dynamo Dresden Club there is the entrace to the "Grosse Garden". Take you roller skates and start. Right in the middle of the Park you might circle the Palais building, before you take the second half of your skating tour. Dresden citizens love skating the Park
  • nadnn
    Парк находится недалеко от центра и от музея Фольксвагена. Были в мае. Все цвело и благоухало. Народа было немного. В парке есть маленький зоопарк, детская железная дорога, дворец. В него мы не пошли, а вот в парке погуляли.
  • M7549EO_
    Была в парке зимой, детская железная дорога не работала. Стандартный парк с водоемом, множеством тихих улочек. В центре дворец, в него мы не заходили, но снаружи впечатляет. Если у вас есть свободное время в Дрездене и хотите отдохнуть от городской суеты, то вам сюда. А так этот парк конечно не достопримечательность номер один Дрездена.
  • HKnippenberg
    Bei schönem Wetter hatten wir einen wunderschönen Ausflug zum Goßen Garten. Er liegt direkt hinter der Gläsernen Manufaktur von VW. Am Ende des Parks liegt die Gaststätte Carolasee - sehr urig und gutes Essen. Wenn man Glück hat, kann man mit der kleinen Eisenbahn auch im winter durch den Park fahren, im Sommer auf jeden Fall.
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