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castle and ramparts of carcassonne

castle and ramparts of carcassonne

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Carcassonne was settled as early as the 6th century BC and later became an...


  • rodledo
    The most incredible and impressive structure and place to visit. You can't help but hear voices from the past, a definite must see!
  • LaurenMay
    Our second time here with my 9 year old, and as we walked around, the two of us engaged in conversation, taking us back to the times when this Castle was a live functioning place.It truly is a remarkable feat to have renovated this and the city. It costs 8:50 euros for adults and free for children. I feel that represents great value for money.
  • celiao387
    I never tire of visiting this magnificent working castle. And, yes, several thousand years of Aude/Languedoc-Roussillon/Catalonia area history was restored in the 19th century; however, the state of disrepair was so pervasive that the French government was going to tear everything down (very unusual). Huge outcry. So, the castle was restored with the original plans (for example, the 5th century part of the Templar fortress, Courvoirtirade - also in the area - cannot be restored, as the original plans were lost.) . Any visiting friends or family are treated to this testament to a long-ago era, beginning with the petit train. This last time we were there, there was a wedding complete with a carriage. Delicious food and wine and gracious southern French efficient hospitality. I cannot wait for our next visit. (Sorry to end on this note, but I have to mention this - bring toilet paper or Kleenex.)
  • 673marcels
    Second visit was just as impressive as the first. I had to go back with my cousins and my sons. Don't miss this. It is incredible and is the only medieval city with two walls surrounding it.
  • AdamJsaunders
    The interior of the fortified city is beautiful to wander round. Lots of shops, restaurants and sights to see. We spent hours just walking round taking in the sights.
  • 197andyn
    Fabulous walled City in excellent condition. The city is full of shops & restaurants and more. Lovely day out for all the family. It is open at night as are the businesses so go back for a really atmospheric meal.
  • Purzzel_54
    Great visit and views. The castle is part of the Medieval City. I can imaging it gets very busy in the hight of the season. Plenty of places to eat and spend your tourist money if you are that way inclined.
  • ChrisnPaul2014
    We had a load of trouble with the self-guided audio tour of the Castle. Were told by the information centre to purchase tickets up the stairs near the entry. This is correct but were then instructed by the ticket office to collect our audio guides at the Castle drawbridge entry which is located on the far side of the city. Arriving at this entry booth we found we could have purchased our tickets there and not walked back to the entry gate. Were then told that the audio guides were at the start of the tour just inside the door after crossing the moat. Of course no one was there. We waited for about 10 mins, then went back to the castle ticket office and were 'told someone was coming. Returned again to find a young couple who had also been waiting who were told someone would be back on the half-hour, which had come and gone with no one turning up. Went back a 2nd time and asked for our €6 euros back for the guide as we would do the tour without audio. We were waved away this time. When person finally turned up about 20mins there was no apology. The tour was fine until we reached what we thought was the end, as you ended up back at the start where you dropped off the audio guide. But no, somehow we missed the rampart walk which is not signposted. It starts on the far side of the courtyard AFTER the audio drop off - we found it by accident. But then discovered there was more audio on the rampart walk that we missed. Very annoying. Tip: question staff about where the your starts and ends !
  • LynneS572
    Good time to visit despite the weather as so empty. Lovingly restored in the 19th century it is obviously still well maintained. Great views from the battlements, excellent film presentation with subtitles and fabulous ( and fabuland ) display of toy fairytale castles all made this a great deal for 8.50€. Only thing it was cold. So come dressed accordingly. Not sure how those medieval knights and ladies managed without their thermals!
  • 645davyw
    Carcassonne is one of those fairy-tale places you see in photos and think I have to go there and for very good reason. The long walk across the walls round the ancient town is fantastic and the excellent displays in the main castle area provide you with all the details of the history of this amazing place. Make sure you visit at least once (although you will want to go back I guarantee.
  • RobertG525
    Better visited in warmer weather when renovations aren't going on. The wind was cold and the skies grey, but the visas I was still fascinating,a highlight being the introductory film on the archaeology and it's interpretation over the years.
  • ShagratBell
    The Castle is well worth a wander around. There is much of the castle and grounds in good order. Seats are dotted around in case of fatigue. Dogs are not allowed into the castle itself, only in the town surrounding it. We took turns going in, while the other shopped, since dogs are allowed in most of the shops in France - Thank you! There are many steps, and the town is on a hill, so be aware.
  • sprhn
    We have been to Carcassonne a number of times, and the castle and ramparts are the main draw.There are a number of small shops, restaurants and cafes within the castle walls, but the caste is a great day and definitely worth a walk round and explore. Some lovely views from the higher areas too.
  • GBaroni
    Being in a walled medieval city is an amazing experience. Carcassonne is a magical place, I just regret that we didn't stay in a hotel within the walls - it must be amazing, especially at night, when they turn on the lights.
  • LoverOfLight
    I recommend paying the extra to get in here if you are visiting Carcassonne. I paid extra (again) to get the self-tour which I would recommend if you want to go at your own pace. It was fairly busy but not uncomfortably so and the castle is very interesting.Do make sure you walk the walls as well - the views over Carcassonne and the surrounding area are superb. Leave yourself quite a bit of time to walk them as they are longer than they look and I certainly underestimated how long it would take! You can't go round in a circle unfortunately. There's a break so you have to turn around and go back the way you came. There are quite a few areas with steps so people with walking difficulties might find it a bit of a struggle. I actually enjoyed walking the walls more than the castle, but they are both worth a visit.
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