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arbetets museum

arbetets museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • SEL888
    This building is very a very old building and was former a textilefabric with up to over hundred employers.
  • 348margaretm
    This is a different experience from most museums that I have visited, it was very interesting and innovative and more about the world of work that artifacts and the staff were really great.
  • ThaiHolidays
    Many nostalgic experiences.It was a couple of years ago, som I have not seen the latest. But it already in 2010 was really worthwhile.
  • Hampm57
    An old textilemill, long abandoned and now converted to museum of work. You can follow the life of one of the spinninggirls depicted in each stairwell, as well as see the development of industrialisation. There are also several smaller exhibits, usually well worthwhile, as well as interactive station for kids. the cafe is nice, the wievs spectacular and from the 7: th floor the whole city and harbour stretches out.Go there,
  • AmazingGreys
    Really nice exhibition on contemporary culture from the 40´s and until the 80´s. Setting is perfect in the old industrial area. Like when they preserve and develop places like this instead of tearing them down.
  • 177MarkW177
    Norrkoping was the Manchester of Sweden. The museum does not have a lot but there is an interesting display on a moving belt of household items through the years. The museum next door which has some of the old textile machinery gives a much better view into Swedish life in the area through the past 2 centuries.
  • kasilka4
    It is a perfect place if you want to get to know Swedish history and have a closer look how people used to live here - In Sweden and in Norrkoping. It is in the middle of Norrkoping, so it is really easy to find, and close to other attractions. They have extremely interesting and interactive exhibitions with music, toys, etc., so it is perfect for families with kids! You can play music, dance, touch everything, it is awesome! They even have guided tours if you wan to ask further questions. The admission is free and they have very good shop with souvenirs, and a restaurant. It's open until 17:00 everyday, but on Tuesdays they are open until 20 (not during summer months though). I really recommend it!
  • Sightseer_9
    Have you ever heard of a building with seven corners? This is one, built on an island. The museum is very interesting even for a non-swede. We had an englishspeaking guide to accompany us and explain what we didn't undertstand and the museum is free of charge! Nice area with the river surrounding us.
  • Nicky603
    Free entrance, a great restaurant on the top floor, and interesting exhibitions.
  • Saeed_82
    If you plan to visit Nörrköping, it is recommended to visit the Work Museum in the city center near the river. There you can find many historical issues about Swedish factories.
  • luce_del_mattino
    Not rating the museum itself but the restaurant on the top floor. For students like my friends and I this lunch was a good deal (with student prices) as it involved a help-yourself buffet of nice healthy things with a lot of variety. It worked out cheaper eating a decent lunch there and not having much for dinner than having a sandwich in one of the student union bars both for lunch and dinner. I would recommend this place if you are on a budget (it's not actually cheap, it's just cheaper than eating smaller things in various bars around the university if you can handle having one big meal a day!)
  • CharlottaNorrkoping
    Today I went to Arbetets Museum. A beautiful house standing in the middle of Norrköping river that was built some 200 years ago. The Museum is big ( 6000 sq meters ) 7 floors ,and are full of interactions, movie, exhibitions,music, history of the swedish worker way back in time when factory workers had a hard time etc. There was also one exhibition that was really cult with typical things from the 50´s,60´s, 70´s, 80´s and so on. I like museums where I can push buttons, feel, listen and be part of it. Not just look at things in a glass cupboard.Some things explained only in swedish...
  • kjelloz
    När jag besökte arbetets museum under 2014 var det första ången sedan det tnvigdes. Utställningarna var intressanta och stundom rätt bra. Dock var det stängt på en någon våning så jag får väl återkomma under detta år. Slutomdömet är ändå gott
  • EVA_L_S
    Arbetets museum har något för alla. Fantastiska fotoutställningar i toppkvalitet, andra utställningar på viktiga och intressanta teman, och som grädde på moset - en museibutik med många fina och annorlunda saker!Vi tar alltid dit vänner som kommer på besök, det finns alltid något nytt att upptäcka. Avsluta gärna med att fika i det trevliga caféet på entréplanet.
  • NilsA825
    Det finns alltid intressanta utställningar i husets många våningar. Jag besökte senast en modelljärnväg och EWK-museet.
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