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hailes castle

hailes castle

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • Darren1603
    Must visit at night excellent experience done evp sessions all over the grounds got voices, marching ,groans and real replies from questions me and my friend went and would definitely go again at night!
  • 252ChristineD
    This is a spectacular ruin and very atmospheric and right next to the river. It is free to get in and beautifully kept.
  • 607paulinem
    Very nice quite secluded visitor attraction. Lovely grounds for picnics etc. Very interesting. The road to castle being resurfaced.
  • 302janicea
    We walked along the river from East Linton to get here, a nice walk and worth it. Some nice info boards to tell you about the history and plenty of broken down walls and hidden cellars to explore. Plus it's on a picturesque site right by the river.
  • ronniec95
    it is out a single track road and it is just a ruin,but it is still worth a visit,i was there on sunny day and it was good to get few photos to add to my collection,only bad bit is parking or the lack of it that is,like i said single track road and there is small bit of parking for about four cars,if you cant get parked you could allways just block the road like some muppet did.
  • ScotlandDave
    A great castle, can't believe we have not visited before. Check out the stories of the ghost beforehand and remember your camera you ever know what will appear as a photobomb. A great familytripout.
  • 490maryv
    Best enjoyed in the Spring or Summer as it can get a little muddy but why not leave the car in East Linton and take a leisurely walk along the side of the River Tyne through the woods and enjoy all the views and wild life along the way before you arrive at the Historic Scotland site of Hailes Castle. No admission fee or trappings but lovely grounds let your imagination take over and enjoy the history of the castle and the surrounding country side. Walk back by the single track road and again enjoy the sites including Traprain Law and the surrounding farm land.
  • mentripper
    Out of many castles in East Lothian, this is by far my favourite. It's location is off the beaten track, single track road, about 1.5 miles south west of East Linton but so worth it when you get there. It's a ruin and the best part is that it is free. Very tranquil with beautifully kept grounds and well maintained. Great for children although behind the castle lies the River Tyne so need to be careful if they are running free. Interesting history and as we picnic here often, I find Hailes Castle is a very easy setting to imagine how times were here in the 13th-16th centuries and so quiet, you could hear a pin drop! Please do pay this one a visit, well worth it.
  • MrsPepperpot_12
    Arrive by foot or car and explore the ruined castle and riverbank. No entrance charge, toilet, cafe or other trappings for the visitor. Managed by Historic Scotland and is one of several castles in the area. With a bit of time management you could visit several in a day. There are good places for eating in the villages that you will pass through.
  • celticdragonfly
    Hailes Castle is lovely; a bit of a challenge to find, but if you download the GPS coordinates from Historic Scotland for all of their sites, it certainly makes it easier. This is in an absolutely stunning location and the pit prisons are pretty interesting, although creepy. Definitely worth a stop. No staff or shop at this location.
  • Marlscat
    Hailes Castle is only a few miles from where I stay but I have never visited before! It’s just one of those things – you never seem to visit the interesting places that are on your own doorstep!So, on a lovely sunny day recently, my husband and I took ourselves off to visit Dirleton Castle then Hailes Castle. It’s not too difficult to find, but it is quite hidden in a dip and surrounded by trees. The road to get to it is a single track and there are not too many passing places! When you get to the castle, which is a ruin and unmanned, you can park outside the entrance, but there’s only space for around three vehicles. As it was a sunny day when we were there, it was actually quite busy and we found it difficult to get our car parked off the road, but we eventually found a spot a short distance away.Although unmanned with free entry, the grounds are well kept and the gardeners were doing some grass cutting at the time we were visiting.I was surprised to find that the castle stands on the banks of the River Tyne, but you can’t really see that until you walk into the grounds of the castle. It was so tranquil and families were enjoying picnics on the banks of the river and within the castle grounds. There were also lots of swallows flying around and I could see many swallow chicks in their nests actually inside the castle building. This castle really is a hidden gem and is well worth a visit, especially on a gloriously sunny day when you could take a picnic with you (be aware though that there are no toilet facilities).
  • Scotladd
    Its peace and its slightly hidden posistion also hides the comfort within secure walls the Hepburn family once enjoyed
  • JessieR353
    This is a lovely place to come to in the summer for a picnic. It sits on the bank of a river and so there is plenty to see.
  • dottybGalashiels
    Well worth walking to....ruins but lots to see when you venture in to the grounds...well preserved with info boards and a fab view over the surrounding countryside...we visited on a damp, misty morning and it was very atmospheric...so glad it is being looked after by Historic Scotland.
  • Snoopycat2
    Hailes is'nt a huge catsle, and it takes a bit of finding deep in the east Lothian countryside. However, it's scenic and very peaceful. Since it's free to get in, you can't lose .
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