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our lady of lourdes shrine

our lady of lourdes shrine

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 768daven
    This is a very peaceful shrine. I have been to Lourdes in France and this is a close second for the feeling of comfort, serenity, and being at peace. If you believe, things can happen. You should visit Mary's shrine
  • Q2802CPkarens
    I have visited Our Lady of Lordes Shrine for 45+ years. It's a beautiful Holy Ground modeled after Lourdes, France where Bernadette saw and spoke to Mary, The Mother of God. 3 pieces from Lordes ground are displayed at this shrine- grotto area near flowing Holy Water, on a stone prayer book, and ? Gift shop or chapel. The Sisters of The Holy Trinty live and work on the grounds- the can be easily recognized in their white habits with red/blue crosses inscribed on their forehead veil area. Feel free to approach them with your questions, and know their tours are insightful.I highly recommend walking The Stations of The Cross as I do every Good Friday- the winding path and powerful statues have you reflecting on Jesus's passion/painful walk to Calvery. Please consider giving a donation to this shrine as building maintenance, erosion problems, and landscaping are needed to maintain this beautiful piece of heaven on earth.
  • janetd746
    A small slice of Heaven so close to my home. A beautiful place to stroll at your own pace, commune with nature & meditate & pray. So peaceful & comforting. Mass at the Grotto is always so beautiful! Gift shop is very nice & affordable . When they have meals there, the food is always good & quite affordable. Glad to have such a beautiful, serene & spiritual place so close to home.
  • SanjeewaA
    This is the most miraculous shrine I have ever visited as a Roman Catholic. If you have the faith you will be definitely cured in the Holy Bath. Every Roman Catholic should visit this mother Mary's Shrine. This is a living Heaven.
  • DoctorFeelgoodDorset
    Working at an Industrial Plant nearby I heard about the Shrine and decided to visit early evening. I parked up and was the only person around as I had a walk around the shrine and surrounding gardens. I had a seat and spent some time contemplating family and friends who are no longer with us and, although I am not overly religious, I was deeply moved. What is amazing is how few locals even know about the shrine!? Not really an attraction – it’s a place of worship, healing and spiritual renewal
  • DaytonDave
    This is a quiet and peaceful place for prayer and reflection. We had a small (80 person) conference there. The food was delicious. The sisters were very hospitable. Highly recommended.
  • Morgan1025
    I was raised just "down the hill" from the shrine and we went there often. I now live on the opposite side of town and make it a point the stop back periodically. The replica shrine of Lourdes in itself is lovely, water running form the rock under Mary's feet. There is a life size statute of Bernadette kneeling amid the out door pews. Other aspects of the shrine include many statues of the saints through out the grounds, a walking path for recitation of the rosary and a pilgrimage path through a wooded area for the stations of the cross, the final one of which is a life sized tomb with the crucified Christ.The chapel is beautiful, and very serene, with its stained glass windows and peaceful quietness. You cannot go into it without feeling at peace. If you do plan to go and wan to see the chapel, you may want to check that it is open at the time you will be there.There is also a dining room on location, open at designated times.If you have ever thought of going to Lourdes in France and cannot get there, this is the next best thing. It is a peaceful and awe inspiring experience that does not diminish over time.
  • LaurelF125
    I am not Catholic, but I have long looked at the front of this shrine as I drove by on Euclid Avenue (main thoroughfare)....finally one day I drove up the hill and went inside. What a lovely, peaceful and spiritual place this is! Anyone of any faith would appreciate it, for its beauty and contemplative qualities. It is beautifully maintained, and looks like a slice out of another world -- maybe in the 50s or in Europe. It is hard to believe it sits a hundred feet or so above a busy commercial road and factories. Once you are there, you are in a secluded little world. There is a beautiful shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes, and stations of the cross located along a heavily wooded and twisting path. There is also a gift shop and I believe a cafeteria (I did not visit these).Since discovering this hidden treasure, I try to visit every year and I recommend it to all my friends. It's one of the loveliest parts of the Euclid area, and a real surprise to visitors who can't believe it is hidden among such an unlikely part of town. If you are a local or visiting this area, make it a point to visit!
  • 162GREGM
    Rising physically and metaphorically above the busy thoroughfare below, the wooded hillside on which the National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes sits is truly filled with the peace one would expect on a mountain top retreat. Thousands have come here for prayer and for healing, many experiencing miraculous cures by visiting the grotto which is a replica of that in Lourdes, France. In fact, the waters that flow continuously in the grotto of this shrine do so over a chip from the stone on which Our Lady first appeared to St. Bernadette. Three pieces shaved from that stone in Lourdes (when it was being readied for a statue of Our Lady) were given to the nuns from this Euclid retreat when on pilgrimage in France. They were told by the priest in France who gave them the stone chips that it was Our Lady's desire that they use these stones in a replica shrine here. That is how and why this National Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes was built on this site, and why so many have found these grounds to be so holy. It is more than natural peace found here. It is the peace of heaven on earth.
  • christinal711
    Any commuion baptism marraige they have lots of unique gifts for all holy occasions and it so beautiful to just sit and think.
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