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ferguson's morningside orchard

ferguson's morningside orchard

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • johngR2639HI
    We just wanted to pick a small bag of apples and it would have cost almost 30 dollars. So we went to sacias and picked a whole bushel for 20.
  • abailey26
    We attended a wedding here & it was beautiful. The location of the ceremony was right in the middle of part of the orchard so there were apple trees surrounding us. The large tent for dinner was nice & breezy once they took down the side flaps. The bugs weren't too bad either once the breeze was blowing through.The barn where the dance was held was very quaint, probably not recommended for a very large group but was pretty much perfect for this wedding. The bathrooms were a little stinky, but were much nicer than your average biff.
  • Patricia351
    This is a feel-good place! My grandchildren love to go to this orchard because there are so many kid-friendly activities. The atmosphere is relaxing--not overwhelming.They offer a fun, family-oriented experience with great wagon rides up to the orchard. They also sell a wonderful variety of apples and apple treats at reasonable prices.
  • mommyofcam
    A must do, especially a family with kids! Great baked goods, apples by the bag or pick your own, even a play area for the kids to burn off some energy!
  • RSTT3959
    Kids will love picking and eating apples.A nice fall visit is in store
  • travlin-with-tots
    This is an awesome place. You can climb a hay pyramid, take silly photos, ride a haywagon (on Weekends) and pick your own apples. I have told many people about this cool orchard and I'm happy to share it on tripadvisor. Plan on spending about $10 for an empty bag to pick your own apples, a few bucks for the hayride, and $5-$10 for optional apple goods like caramel apples with M&M's, or apple turnovers or apple pies. Plan on 2-3 hours of good wholesome family fun!
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