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giant museum

giant museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • andymH8622KG
    Small collection of the Jolly Green Giant memorabilia and canning equipment. They must have everything ever made about the Jolly Green Giant. It looks like it was a fire station at one time. If you're in Blue Earth one day, go! It's about 45 minutes off of I-35, really not worth the detour though, :(
  • JesseWhite
    My wife and I stopped into the GIANT Museum after a quick, rainy, photo-op at the Green Giant Statue in Blue Earth. The museum seems to be a work in progress, but at the entrance price of free, who can complain. The collection of information, history, and green giant memorabilia is amazing. They even have machinery from the old factory. You are sure to learn a lot about the Green Giant brand if you stop in for a visit. Located in town, it is a short drive from the Green Giant Statue. There is even a gift shop attached where you can pick up your own green giant souvenirs.
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