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indian falls

indian falls

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Almost inside a city, Indian Falls are in Sarawak Township, at the...


  • CharloToronto
    We walked on the riverbed hopping from rock to rock - quite a lovely wending way, but not for anyone not wearing the right shoes. There is a trail as well with stairs to the top.My son loved walking underneath the falls and via the riverbed.Breathtaking falls from below.
  • lolas870
    amazing falls, nice trails, seems to be very clean and nicely maintained by the park staff! will be coming back next year, on our annual Bruce peninsula summer trip
  • 864brendab
    This waterfall is best viewed when the river is running higher. It is a very delicate curtain that follows the curve of the eroded limestone riverbed. It is lovely! Very picturesque. Start the hike at the Balmy Beach ball diamond, at the mouth of the Indian River. Be prepared to climb up some basic trail steps and down. The trail follows the river and is well marked/travelled. Mostly through well established forest, lots of shade but you will work up a sweat if it is warm!Very pretty in the fall as well! Lots of fall colours to see!
  • Milton047
    For an advertised tourist attraction the unmarked access via a stony dry riverbed was impossible to traverse for a couple of 60-somethings, one with impaired mobility. So we didn't get to see the Indian falls. Luckily we had already seen Inglis, Jones and Weavers Creek falls, nearby.
  • gremlin56
    It's a short hike, maybe about 15 minutes from the parking lot to the falls and some of it is uphill. You will be walking over some rocks and uphill on wooden stairs, so it's not a casual walk. But the falls are well worth it. Beautiful!!
  • mcascoos
    Good falls just northwest of Owen Sound. Plenty of parking and nature trail to the falls is easy/moderate with good scenery.
  • RobbyB3220
    What's not to like? You can walk right behind the falls. It's an amazing hike. Perfect to take little ones as well.
  • maryannes894
    It was a gorgeous warm fall day and we decided to hike along Indian Falls. It is so beautiful and the trails are easy to find. You can take some beautiful pictures in this area. The walk I would say is in some areas getting to the Falls is moderate - it is the climb up the stairs and the rest is flat.
  • 45annab45
    it was okay. it took us about 30 min. so it was a nice break from the drive. fall was dry. Very rocky trail.
  • 282Juliette282
    We hike to this water falls, it was so nice, we took lots of pictures, walk up the top, then we decided this is such beauty, that we struggled and went to the bottom, was the best thing we did, what a beauty.
  • devonhamilton2
    We stopped by Indian Falls over a weekend where we were doing several hikes and visiting Flowerpot Island (highly recommended). The hike is 10-15 minutes, and not difficult - although there are a couple of steep parts and steps, but the majority is fairly flat. Difficulty might depend on if it's dry/rainy - we went in June on a dry, sunny day and it was beautiful. Free parking and lots of views of the waterfall including going right up to it! If you are going through or visiting Owen Sound, it is worth a quick stop!
  • kumoOntario
    The hike along the Indian River is beautiful as well. Interesting to see the power of the river and the changes it makes each spring. Beautiful in any season.
  • travelBUG1953
    This is a rough hike for the amateur hiker, especially in the spring. Don't try it on a rainy day or if it has been raining, and don't try it if you can't climb a good bit without stopping for oxygen (LOL)...NowI have to say that it's all worth the effort...GORGEOUS!!
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