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kitsumkalum provincial park

kitsumkalum provincial park

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • tommZ1926CS
    Kitsumkalum Provincial Park is a small campsite at the southern end of Kitsumkalum Lake. The campsite is very basic with no services except outhouses. The entryway is hard to find, with only a small sign on the left before you can see the lake. I believe the site is no longer being actively maintained. There is also a boat launch further up off the highway. That said, it is usually quiet and the lake is beautiful.People interested in free camping might also want to look up the Hart Farm or Redsand Lake campsites, which are larger sites but are accessed off a Forest Service road (West Kalum) which starts at the Tempo gas station west of Terrace.
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