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steeg annakirche

steeg annakirche

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • PrincessFiona27
    We saw this on our way for lunch and made a detour to see some of the best remaining frescos in this area of Germany. It is a beautiful Church filled with artifacts and relics.
  • folieske4
    Located in the somewhat forgotten part of Bacharach: Steeg. This Gothic church was built early 14th century. After the victory over Napoleon and their Rhine crossing to the West Marshal Blücher and his soldiers passed this church. Four floors-storey tower with four awkward angle towers and octagonal helmet. The Church represents a great work of 14th century sacral architecture with groinvault. The organ was built 1802 by the famous organbuilders Stumm, in 2005 and 2006 externally restored. Remains of late Gothic murals were uncovered and supplemented in 1968. This church is as well Germany's most famous residence of the bat species “greater mouse-eared bat” (Myotis myotis).
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