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burg lahneck

burg lahneck

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • lizzieloo66
    Lots of interesting rooms and stories attached to them. Fab view. The tour guide does speak English but only did so when I checked something I didn't understand so you would need to ask.
  • harleyscoot
    The site is not modern to start with, yes you do have views over the Rhine but also the town of Lahnstein & the railways that operate right through the night. The pitches are huge, and why the Camping & Caravanning Club put a 7.5m length limit I really don't know, there's enough room on the majority of pitches for the biggest twin axle, just e-mail him first & you'll be ok!Showers are slightly small & showing their age but are fine but chargeable (50c) as is the electric you use (beware of the 50 cent 'connection fee'!). Lahnstein is a great town & visit 'Café Stig' in the high street for tea/coffee, great place.Drive or train it to Boppard (20 mins) and enjoy the town & a trip on the Rhine, well worth it!If you can, go up the cable chair to the restaurant that gives you stunning views of the Rhine & good food as well!
  • AlastairH405
    Guided tour of a castle and stately house. Very interesting with a good English guide booklet too. The 3 parquet floored rooms are of particular interest and you get to wear really cool slippers!
  • Justis11
    This castle was great. It was relatively small for some that I have seen. The inside was well done and the outside and tower top was cool. You can climb the tower and look out over the beautiful view and we were allowed to wander some areas at our leisure after the tour. The tour wasn't too long and would be okay for kids. The tour guide was really wonderful. She spoke German, French and English and was happy to tell us a few thing in English and give us translated books.
  • Liesia_Lapin
    Like° Guide was very nice (could speak English)° The tour was in German, but we where given papers in our language to follow along.° It's was only €5 ° Very nice you have to visit!Not like:p nothing
  • LilyE506
    I have been to about 5 German castles so far and this is one of my favorite. Everything is authentic all the way to the smell. Our guide was knowledgable and funny.
  • Jimsdub
    Spectacular views from the restaurant terrace and excellent food and wine to match. This is the family run Burg restaurant and we have been visiting this place since 1989 and never been dissapointed.
  • KeithParker1949
    The dislike has got to be the climb - my friend told me it was a 1 kilometre walk, he forgot to mention is was up 300+ steps!!!! Howvever, once there the views over the Lahn and Rhine valleys are spectacular and the the trip around the castle was wonderful - the story about the english ghost is equally intriguing. Worth a visit.
  • TessaS741
    We stayed three nights at Burg Lahneck campsite over an extremely hot August weekend, and it really is one of the best campsites I've been to in a while (much better facilities and cleanliness than many UK sites!). The setting is really beautiful, on top of hill with views of the Rhine and surrounding area, and it felt really secluded, quiet and peaceful despite being ten minutes walk into the town (where there are shops and the quay to pick up the many boat trips down the river). The site itself is organised around trees and different sections so it feels personal and not over crowded - no row upon row of campers as you see in some other German campsites. The facilities are excellent and spotlessly clean, and there is a small shop on site for essential (you can order fresh bread the day before to collect in the morning). The owners are friendly and helpful, and will lend you local maps etc should you need. We enjoyed a BBQ (off the ground) one evening, but there are also two restaurants within a very short walking distance - the restaurant in the castle is recommended. Lastly - there is a outdoor pool just next door to the campsite which is brilliant for hot days - it is large with a slide and pools for small children etc, surrounded by gardens for picnics and sunbathing. All in all, I don't have any negatives about the site, I would highly recommend this as a base for exploring the Rhine Valley.
  • vakantiejozef
    Built before 1244 by Siegfried von Eppenstein, elector Archbishop of Mainz, in defence of the territory of the electors of Mainz. In 1298 German King Adolf von Nassau is guest at the Castle, just before he dies in the battle against King Albert I of Austria at Göllheim. To avenge him his son Friedrich joins Viscount Friedrich Schilling von Lahnstein join in the conspiracy against King Albert I, who, after the storming of the Castle, is tried in 1309. According the legend the banished last 12 Templars took refuge in 1312 in the Castle where they died after an heroic fight. In 1332 Pope John XXII granted an indulgence of 40 days for participation in the prayer service in the castle chapel St. Ulrich. 15 July 1338 Elector of Mainz and Archbishop Heinrich III participated the meeting of electors in Castle Lahneck Castle which led to the establishment of „Kurverein Rhens“. 4 June 1400 King Wenceslaus is deposed by the four Rhenish electors in Oberlahnstein. Together with the elector of Mainz is son Friedrich von Nürnberg amongst the many urban representatives in the Castle, the next day Palatine Ruprecht is elected to be the German King on the Königsstuhl in Rhens. After the "Mainzer Bischofsfede" with count Adolf of Nassau in 1475 Dieter von Isenburg had the Castle increased two wall-rings. During 30-year war in 1633 destroyed by Swedish and imperial troops, it lost its importance, uninhabited it fell into decay. 1803 By the Secularization of Archdiocese of Mainz by Napoleon Bonaparte, the Castle went to Duchy of Nassau. 1850 Private ownership of railway Director Morarty (from 1852 partially rebuilt, thus a combination of medieval fortifications and historic restoration). In 1909 acquired by Imperial Vice Admiral Robert Mischke, since then in the possession of his family. The guide tour includes the Chapel, Knights ' Hall, old attendants kitchen, Tower. Every hour a guidetour is offered for a fee of 4 Euro.
  • Indra229
    Burg ist immer einen Besuch wert. Aufstieg ist absolut nicht beschwerlich. Gute Führung mit kompetenten Personal.
  • Tigerle1
    Einfach alles, netter Ort, sehr gut zum wandern, und spazieren gehen, es ist für alles etwas dabeinette Restaurant
    Erigé au 13ème siècle pour protéger des mines d'argent, il a été restauré au 19ème siècle en style néo-gothique.Visite fort intéressante ( mobilier, peintures, salle des chevaliers, chapelle ).
  • AndreWhoRus
    Так получилось, что мы оказались единственными посетителями замка, но и для нас любезный сторож-кассир-гид (к сожалению, забыл его имя) провел вполне неплохую экскурсию на английском языке. Замок приятный, со стандартной историй для региона - построен в глубоком средневековье, много раз разрушался, восстановлен в 19 веке, теперь частное владение. Показывают только комнаты на первом этаже. Но вот виды с замка одни из самых нефотогеничных на Рейне, хотя в башню нам не предлагали подниматься. В целом замок достоен посещения.
  • Ulrich90547
    Burg Lahneck in Lahnstein ist ein Märchenschloss, im Privatbesitz, Besichtigung mit Führung. Die Führung ist intressant und spannend.Ein Besuch lohnt sich auf jedem Fall.
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