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saarburg castle

saarburg castle

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • StuartB428
    Visited the castle a while back, it was quite a warm day so remained outside for most of the visit. I am pretty awful for heights and this castle has some particulary knee trembling drops, so whilst my wife and kids went all the way to the top I had a coffee at the little cafe.Whilst there I had the most iinteresting chat with the chap running the cafe which soon which he soon turned the subject onto football and the world cup of 1966...his reaction to the Germans loss was so funny I will never forget it. Great fun.The castle, it's old, it's high up and the view is beautiful, worth a visit.
  • 554marcb
    Breathtaking! Great to see something so historic. You can climb to the top through the little staircase but once you get to the top the view of the area is amazing!
  • Alicetas
    The little castle is a nice walking tour. The views are great. The tour is free and you can take time afterward to walk through the vineyards.
  • Townhaven
    This is set high on the hill above the town and was originally built in the nine hundreds. Lots of wars later it is hard to imagine what it must have looked like. You can climb to the top of the tower and see the town. There is also a restaurant up there, but wasn't open when we were there. Germany has lots of castles, so this one in comparison is OK, but not great.
  • 862davidF
    Great little castle, mostly ruined but the tower can be climbed by a steep spiral staircase and the view from the top is spectacular. Also its free!
  • JLeonard_2012
    Saarburg is a delightful town and the castle is worth the hike up to see it. Great views of the river below.
  • WRB72
    Well worth walking up to the top of the castle tower for the fine views. If you are tall, take care on the steps inside the tower. They are in very good condition, but headroom is limited at times.
  • JME138
    After climbing steps up to the castle - really enjoed the view of the surrounding views and river. Worth the climb.
  • Mel-in-Germany
    It's worth climing up the few stairs to the castle (you can also drive up and park right there if necessary) as it has a really nice view of the town and the river. There is a restaurant in the castle also, but I haven't tried it yet now that it's got new owners.
  • mariana270875
    As ruínas do castelo ficam situadas na pequena cidade de mesmo nome. Apesar de não ter restado muito da construção original, uma visita para amantes de castelos não vai decepcionar.
  • 551sofiab
    Интересный замок, мало что разрушилось, интерестно посмотреть как раньше люди жили. много прошлось ходить, нужна удобная обувь и камера
  • J5974TP_
    Рекомендую всем кто поедет в Саарбург посетить этот замок. Возмите с собой камеру и фотоаппараты, удобную обувь. Замок не большой но интерестный
  • Balrog72
    Château à voir car tout là haut, il y a une très belle vue. Par contre l'accès est difficile du à un escalier étroit.Je n'ai pas trouvé de panneau indicatif expliquant l'Histoire de ce château et du village. Dommage.
  • FrisseKiwi
    Het is even klimmen maar de uitzichten zijn de moeite waard. Het restaurant is niet altijd open maar er zijn genoeg alternatieven in de buurt.
  • LarsJuulG
    En borgruin, som ligger med en fantastisk udsigt, så når de knap 400 trappetrin er klaret, så er udsigten over byen og Saar floden betagende.
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