当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >欧洲 >德国 >spay >peterskapelle


  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Tobyandbunty
    nice area, gat walks, good views and something ancient to aim for. Back to nature ramble for all the family...providing you wear trainers
  • vakantiejozef
    Catholic Chapel of St. Peter and Paul, an early-Gothic religious building from the early Middle Ages, in 1237 mentioned for the first time. Well-preserved early 14th century frescoes on all walls, depicting twenty scenes of the New Testament. Now in possession of the civilian town Spay. Opened during the St. Peter and Paul feast, on open monuments day, and on request free of charge (its key can be obtained in the house next door: Mainzer Straße 2, or Mainzer Straße 97 or Salmgasse 7 (telefonnumbers are mentioned at the infotablet).
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