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carmelite church

carmelite church

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • LouiseWR
    and that's saying something on a visit to southern Germany, which abounds in beautiful churches. There are three altars in this small space and the workmanship on the wood is just beautiful. I saw something new for me - a carved rosary suspended from the ceiling. There was a touching, very old pieta. outside the church is the Madonna of the Grapes where the locals still offer grapes in the hopes of a good harvest. You can just feel the love and devotion that went into the building of this church. Try not to miss it and try not to miss Boppard. We really enjoyed our visit to this lovely small Mittel-Rhein town.
  • 1TraveltheWorld
    Walk through the main shops and at the end on the left just past the cuckoo shop you will find this church. Only small, but worth a look
  • Eastonia
    We have never seen a church like this before the old bell was founded yb 1502 this was use until the roof fire in 1984.When you visit this Carmelite Church in Boppard, you could spend several hours looking around. Choirstalls in oak date back to about 1460
  • JimGoes49
    Historic and exquisite condition. Wood carvings in choir section very impressive. Ornate inside to a degree not hinted at from the outside.
  • Hackford
    The ringing of the bells attracted our attention to visit the church and we were not disappointed.Make a visit and enjoy.
  • folieske4
    The church may be not as huge as the other churches, but this is a real baeuty! Very charming, containing very old frescoes, graveplates, a beautifull preachers area. There is a crusifix bihind curtains, and up to now I still do not grasp the meaning og that curtain. Make sure you look into every detail, as this church is all charm.
  • EvandroA447
    Apesar de parecer um pouco simples, esta igreja carrega muitos séculos. O Brasil ainda nem existia e ela já estava ali, com seus vitrais e colunas. Vale a pena a visita.
  • TAOsilva
    O ambiente da cidade é incrível e muito bem preservado. Com suas ruas estreitas e pessoas educadas. É uma igreja linda como tudo em Boppard. Simplesmente amei.
    L'Eglise gothique des Carmélites abrite une très belle décoration, des stalles superbes et des monuments funéraires de style Renaissance.
  • Kalle1952
    Im Rahmen einer Stadtbesichtigung sind wir zufällig auf diese wunderschöne kleine Kirche gestoßen. Insbesondere die Bemalungen der Deckenstreben und der Gesamteindruck sind wirklich toll. Ein Abstecher hierhin sollte bei jedem Boppardbesuch vorgenommen werden. Das ist durch die Lage mitten in der Stadt ja auch kein Problem.
  • Hyde10
    das muss man sich selbst ansehen, Lage, Innenausstattung, 2Flügigkeit, Gestühl muss man auf sich wirken lassen, bei aller Wuseligkeit eines Weinortes eine Oase der Ruhe, der gotischen Kirche aus dem späten 14. Jahehundert sieht man nicht unbedingt die von den Karmelitern geforderte Ärmlichkeit an dafür aber die Hinweise, dass der Orden sich um Kranke kümmert
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