当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >欧洲 >德国 >莱茵兰-巴拉丁 >圣玛利亚教堂


  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • abenxing
  • winter_traveller95
    Even though there was a massive construction going on we were able to visit Church of Our Lady. It impressed us with all its history, and the rustic decor.
  • CarolinaB149
    Believe it or not this church has the form of a rose and is so pretty you cannot believe it . When you get inside it, you really feel overwhelmed.
  • harveyswalsall_UK
    We visited the town on New Year's Day. Most places, including the cathedral, were shut. However we were able to go in here. Some beautiful carvings on the doorway. Nice church inside. It shares a cloister with the cathedral next door.
  • Bumbleboo
    A very interesting church to visit and standing on one spot (star built into the paving stones) you can see all twelve apostles. Beautiful and quiet with stained glass windows casting a magical light inside the church. The stained glass windows appear modern since I imagine that wartime bombing blew out the originals. Well worth a visit to sit and meditate.
  • LadyDiY
    Liked the stained glass windows and stenciled ceiling. Rather plain compared to the Trier Dom next door.
  • AyuAstuti45
    It's a beautiful Church and so peaceful inside. I love to see these interior and the feeling when I was inside of this Church.
  • ggeleyn
    Nice church with very nice glass windows. The nice gregorian music that is constantly playing in the church offers a great atmosphere.
  • Baldbutsexy
    How on earth can such a lovely building have such terrible stained glass. Modern and trendy this glass will date dreadfully and is actually not very detailed. The ancients knew better.Germany can do better than this as can almost every village church in England.
  • anupama_c179
    Church of our lady is impressive for the sheer size however, it's rebuilt after a fire or something and thus it lacks the old feel. The foundation is intact apparently but not the rest of the church.
  • 1RDavido
    The church is amazing with stunning stained glass windows of ancient and modern style. The entry is free with a gratuity box. It feels very Godly inside despite the crowds.
  • D2142
    This church, joined to the Cathedral, is just stunning in its simplicity. Beautifully restored after the war, and renovated with great liturgical sensitivity as well. It is a very beautiful place to send a few moments in quiet, especially after the crowds in the cathedral next door
  • gdweb
    I have seen a lot of churches during my time living in Europe. That said, this one is pretty spectacular for its simple elegance and worth the trip.
  • DMS100
    The stained glass was amazing and has to be seen. Unlike the Dom (next door) which is a busy and noisy barn of a place, this was quiet and contemplative with gentle choral singing in the background. A beautiful place to visit.
  • renae0228
    A beautiful masterpiece, unique from any other! Grace but grand, a moving experience in history and architecture.
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