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catedral de amalfi

catedral de amalfi

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • lanzmo
    The view alone will catch your eye and make you want to venture on up the stairs to go inside the building. Make sure you ALL go in the Catedral
  • 998andreb
    The Cathedral is in a great location, is architecturally amazing, the design and the interior and exterior of tge site make it worthy of taking many photos. And although there is a entrance fee, its well worth it as you will get to see, understand and embrace the history that the cathedral offers. There are quite a bit of steps leading up to the cathedral, but can't explain it's all part of the experience.
  • LindaDownunder
    Visit this beautiful cathedral when in the centre of Amalfi it is worth the small entrance fee.It is also a quiet oasis in the busy streets of Amalfi.
  • sherryg34618
    Climbing the many steps leading to this cathedral is a bit of a challenge especially for older folks or people with mobility issues but to ascend these stairs and look out over Amalfi is just part of the payoff. Step inside to many historic artifacts, the peace, harmony and beauty of the cathedral are more than worth the visit. Step downstairs and be in the company with relics of St. Andrews...a man who knew Jesus. I am humbled at being given the opportunity to visit Amalfi and it's very beautiful Cathedral.
  • otylici
    When passing by the Amalfi Coast, you must stop in Amalfi, an amazing town, with a very beautiful and impressive cathedral. Stop by the street and then walk a few metres to a little square, and there it is: majestic and colossal, in front of you.
  • josephg922
    Very nice old Cathedral, You can't miss it, in the main 'square' in the centre of Amalfi. €3 to get in as a standard ticket or €1 for a reduced isn't bad. Very well preserved, definitely one of the best cathedrals in this part of Italy.
  • lorak501
    This is an architectually beautiful cathedral. It's on top of quite a few steps looking down on the centre of Amalfi with it's impressive facade. It's also nice to just sit on the steps while people watching :)
  • Otto_Hettie
    The Catedral is right in the center of Amalfi at the top of many steps. Take a walk through the historical center with many boutiques, bars and restaurants and admire the great view of this building with a drink.
  • Corneliusfudge
    This is a very impressive little cathedral right in the centre of Amalfi at the top of the many steps. A great place to just walk around or sit in the square with a drink and admire.
  • vormirdiewelt2015
    ... eine Besichtigung ist unbedingt empfehlenswert! Wir waren im Mai 2013 dort. Insofern war es noch entspannt – ich möchte nicht wissen, was im Juli/August dort los ist. Architektonisch m. E. ein Wunder, innen zeigt sich der ehemalige Reichtum der Region. Traumhaft!
  • ABZ323
    A escadaria já denota a intenção em busca ao Divino. A porta Majestosa em entalhes precisos demonstram a maestria de quem domina o ofício. Os altares ricamente decorados são motivos de contemplação e o piso em mosaico é impressionante.
  • LuBenitez
    La catedral de Amalfi es muy antigua. Al parecer Amalfi era una ciudad puerto muy importante en el medioevo por lo tanto cuenta con una iglesia desde esos tiempos. Visitamos también el museo, si bien no es muy grande vale la pena. Había objetos muy interesantes, entre ellos unas vestimentas religiosas bordadas antiguas. La entrada nos costó 3 euros.
  • 410renatoa
    Assim como toda a costiera amalfitana, esta catedral impressiona pela grandiosa beleza. Recomendadissimo!!!
  • HitomiX9
  • danu51
    la vista de la catedral desde la plaza es un suenio, especialmente a la tardecita el sol se refleja en los mosaicos del frente...muchos casamientos ...sentarse en un barcito a tomar algo frente a la catedral y ver pasar la vida puede ser un gran recuerdo...
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