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osage county historical museum

osage county historical museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • drwhowho
    I have tried several times to visit the Historical Museum. Very interesting on the outside. I have stopped several times. Even called ahead to be sure they were open. End result is they have posted "back in 1 hour" and never reopened. After hanging around Pawhauska for 4 hours (11am to 3 pm) and still not open, I gave up.
  • KansasTravelgrl
    This museum is a great stop to be able to look back in time and see the roots of the area. If you are into cowboys and Indians you won't be disappointed. It's a history lesion into what has made Pawhuska what it is today. Ranching continues to be a large part of life in this area. Just visiting Pawhuska and the drive to Bartlesville is a beautiful sight. Soft rolling hills and a short drive.
  • krcorbin
    Museum is currently adding area with new construction and will be able to exhibit more of the items it has on hand. Great historical reference to the oil field and ranching that makes up Osage County.
  • KentuckyFan43
    This museum uses a remodeled Santa Fe Railroad Depot to showcase its displays. It is loaded with "Old West" artifacts. Pioneers, cowboys, Indians and early Pawhuska residents are featured. It is a visual step back in time that is very interesting to view, On the grounds of the museum is a statue dedicated to the first Boy Scout Troop which was located in Pawhuska.
  • JCDMontauban
    Nous avons visité, ma femme Monique et moi-même, une dizaine de fois le musée d'Histoire du Comté Osage de Pawhuska. Toujours avec le même plaisir ! La première fois, c'était en août 1991 avec le groupe français. Depuis que la ville de Pawhuska est jumelée à la ville de Montauban (France), nous revenons régulièrement à Pawhuska et dans le Comté Osage qui sont chers à nos cœurs.Le musée nous a donné accès à de très intéressantes informations sur votre Histoire, si riche et passionnante. Nous apprécions beaucoup le sérieux de la présentation du musée ainsi que l'accueil, toujours très chaleureux que nous y avons reçu. Merci à tous les responsables et au plaisir de vous rendre une prochaine visite.Bien amicalementJean-Claude & Monique Drouilhet1096 chemin du Coteau82000 Montauban - Francejcdrouilhet@club-internet.fr
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