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chock rock vineyard & tasting room

chock rock vineyard & tasting room

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    The Chock Rock Vineyard tasting room is nestled right in the heart of the...


  • Jannaqq
    Discovered Chock Rock in Carmel Valley. Smaller tasting area, one very friendly wine tasting service. Definitely not pretentious. My friend and I were the only tasters for our entire experience. Enjoyed their red wines a bit more than their whites; all were good. Walked out with a couple of bottles...and was still happy with my purchase when I returned home and enjoyed a glass of wine. Great views of this spectacular area. Walking distance to many other wineries and shops.
  • 612SusanB612
    This is right downtown, although not attached to the several tasting rooms in a row on the east side of town. The family run vineyard, and tasting room offer up delightful wines, and lots of great information. Not to be missed.
  • 415GeorgeH
    We were dining in Monterey and were served Chock Rock Chardonnay - a really attention getting wine. We liked it a lot. When we asked our server for more information, she provided a card for a complementary tasting. We called to see if that wine were available - it was - so we drove straight there. We visited the small tasting room, had a pleasant chat with the server, and found out more about the winemaker and operation. We left with a case of wine and pleasant memories. Since then the excellent experience has been revived with each bottle opened...we need more of this wine!
  • JAC030585
    We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Chock Rock tasting room in Carmel Valley. Chock Rock is a family business; we met the mother, daughter and granddaughter in the tasting room, and the father is the wine maker (he is also the wine maker at Talbot, another winery in the area, but Chock Rock is his own label). They were so friendly and told us the history of the label. We really liked their wines and they had some interesting varietals that we'd not seen in other tasting rooms in the area such as pinot blanc and riesling. The riesling was one of only three bottles we bought back to the UK with us, due to limited luggage space we had to be pretty selective but we knew we had no chance of finding Chock Rock in the UK.
  • stltraveler01
    Chock Rock creates EXCELLENT wine! Chock Rock and Parsonage are our favorite wines of Carmel Valley. We loved their wine so much that we decided to have a few bottles shipped to us and we joined their wine club. Highly recommend.
  • sunnski
    Four of us tried wines here after eating lunch at Cafe Rustica. The little house was crowded and the server we had didn't want to be there.We tried four of their wines. One was OK but the other were harsh, a lot of tannins and really were not very good.Never really made a connection with the server-see above-but the wines really didn't do anything for us.
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