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wagner falls

wagner falls

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • stephaniep291
    If you are in the Munising area, Wagner Falls is one of the easy to access and rewarding falls to see. Even in the winter time, the falls are stunning - just follow the foot trail to the boardwalk.
  • 714annp
    a nice waterfall, and one of many. Most are well marked and easy to find. Au Train falls a completely different look.
  • 351RobertR
    Wagner falls is located on M94 close to M28. This easily accessible falls has a boardwalk alongside the Wagner creek. This is a quiet place with good viewing from the boardwalk. The 20 foot drop is easily photographed. And don’t miss Alger falls just a short distance down M94 at M28 either.
  • Ravage7779
    It's about a two minute hike up a paved trail. Falls are small but pretty. Boardwalks are well maintained. Worth a stop for the ease of seeing them.
  • Chipperhigh2
    Stopped to enjoy Wagner Falls while in the Munising area. The falls were easy to find and a very short walk from parking to viewing. The area is beautiful and we really enjoyed the stop.
  • thevictors
    If you are looking for a beautiful waterfall that you don't have to expend much energy to get to, this is a must see. We stopped during a period of time where the area had a lot of rainfall. The waterfall was flowing at a high rate. Be sure to stop to see Munising Falls if you are looking for a quick and easy stop.
  • DLaddWolf
    Wagner falls is not only beautiful, it is one of the easiest to access in the area. The State Park feature is a short walk up a well-maintained boardwalk and steps. The view from the platform is excellent, although many people opt to get down to the river level for some enhanced views. Be sure to also enjoy the pretty falls on the small rivulet that comes in from the right, just before the main falls!
  • 820BarbaraM
    Nice boardwalk with a few stairs. Small and larger falls on the path. Worth the quick stop to go see these beautiful falls.
  • 25michellet
    There was some neat history to the area and those who settled there. A nice, easy hike to the waterfall. Got some nice pictures. Right off the highway. Worth the stop.
  • BG260
    Lots of logs in the way to photograph and see the falls. Some of it is natural, but there are cut pieces there as well.
  • sharonjxn2
    Very scenic area, with a viewing platform and bench to sit and enjoy the falls. The board walk helps keep shoes dry as the area can be muddy at times.
  • mranderson1948
    The trail head is well marked on MI-94 just before the intersection with MI-28. A short hike through the woods leads to a boardwalk and a few stairs that bring you face-to-face with Wagner Falls. The short falls is wider than the stream and cascades down a sloping rock face before dropping the final distance to the stream bed below.
  • lizgray2186
    Very pretty! Very easy access, just had to park across the street to get to it. We also got to walk under the waterfall too. I have wonderful pictures of it.
  • CinciVick
    We tried to get to all 13 falls in the on one day, didn't quite make it. This was our last one of the day and actually it was the prettiest. It had the most water and was just a picture perfect setting. It's minutes from the road, don't miss it.
  • lindasB2780TY
    Short little walk to a delightfully sweet waterfall. I would love to see this in the spring. Easy to get to, right off M94.
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