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burr oak woods conservation area

burr oak woods conservation area

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MaryAnnS151
    Took the grandkids and had a good time. Would recommend for the lovers of nature hikes, etc. Easy to get to for anyone looking for solitude.
  • awb692
    Great for a walk in nature. Has a nice building that houses animals, bugs, fish, and reptiles of Missouri. Nice for younger kids. Go at your own pace.
  • MelissaC360
    Lovely area. There are many trails that are family friendly.Easy to find it is right off 7 highway. Great to have right in the middle of the city.
  • zoso2020
    We love Burr Oak Woods Conservation Area, it is a great place to take the family on a hike, a picnic, or a bike ride. We love visiting throughout the year. The kids also love visiting the nature center on property, getting an up close view of snakes, turkeys, and various other wildlife. I enjoy it for the historical nature of the park and knowledgeable staff who work there...plus I really love seeing my kids get excited about nature!
  • Cabo04
    from the hustle, breath deep, talk a walk or hike - enjoy the beauty of nature. Wildlife, trails and head inside to get some knowledge thrown on ya. Great retreat and learning experience for families.
  • BobH287
    Burr Oak Woods is just one of the jewels that Blue Springs, Mo. has to offer. If you want to get off of the beaten path and onto the the natural path, this is the place to to that. There are several trails to hike, from easy to rustic. However, before you take your hike, hike on over the the conservation center. There, you can learn about Burr Oak Woods and what it is made of. There is a nice, paved nature walk behind it that is wheelchair accessible. I have put many miles on the nature trails. Plus, the best thing about BOW, is it is absolutely FREE! So, if you are looking for something to do and have some young ones, take them there to burn off some of that pent up energy, you will be glad you did, plus, you will have the opportunity to experience nature.
  • stephanien161
    I live in the area and this is a great place to visit and has some nice short trails. They frequently make improvement and it's a great place to see some wildlife.
  • 70stephanief
    I will NEVER stop loving Burr Oak Woods! From the discovery center to the multitude of trails available for outdoors adventures for individuals and families alike, this place is a fantastic way to spend a day enjoying nature!
  • AF_Hiker
    The nature center is informational, with displays of the local ecosystem, as well as several small, live animals. There are several miles of hiking trails through the area. I walked the two shorter, paved ones. Both were a nice walk. It is good that areas like this are being conserved.
  • Gravesgirl1
    I live in a Blue Springs and I am very proud of this beautiful park. At the Welcome Center, there is an easy path to hike. The center is full of information about the native plants & wildlife. There are three other trails to hike. At the opening of each trail there is a sign stating the difficulty & length of the trail. The Welcome Center has the same information as well as a map of the trails. It is a beautiful, peaceful place to walk or hike. It's about 30 miles from downtown Kansas City. A must see if you are in the Kansas City area!
  • holicow
    I found this park listed in a book of "off the beaten path" things to visit and this was a great find in the Kansas City area. There is a visitor center, nice picnic area and several trails. We went on a weekend and only encountered one group of people on the trail that we hiked although there were a number of cars using the day use areas.
  • EireLover_13
    Burr oak woods has a wonderful building that houses a lot of nature & is especially enjoyable for children & adults of all ages. The trails are great.
  • backtomaui
    I live about 30 minutes away and absolutely love these trails. We often see deer, wild turkeys and lots of birds. It is a wonderful place to take children. There is one trail (sorry, I can't remember the name) that has lots of limestone - my kids lived this trail when they were little. We even had my son's 7th birthday party there! I have tried every hiking spot in and around Kansas City and this is hands down the best! Although the bathrooms aren't fancy, they do have them at each trailhead and they are relatively clean. They also have picnic tables.
  • mdnghtdlr
    They conservation center is nice, and the outdoor classroom very cool. Nice place to jog, ride a bike, have a picnic or just go on a hike. There is a nice park area just before you enter the nature area, perfect for elementary and preschool ages.
  • PickyTraveler062
    Exceptionally maintained trails. Not very large but plenty of Blue Springs history, views, flora and fauna..
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