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jackson hole rodeo grounds

jackson hole rodeo grounds

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • Evan_Jean
    The Cody Rodeo was washed out, lucky for us - the timing was correct to attended this Rodeo instead. We have no Rodeo experience to compare against, but we all really enjoyed ourselves, they had an activity that had the kids on the grounds - can recommend
  • NTHurrrzz
    First ever rodeo and what an experience. Enjoyed the build up, buying beer and hotdogs before finding our seat.The announcer was great fun, keeping the whole evening speeding along.Lots of events throughout the evening over several hours. If you are staying in Jackson then this is a 'must see'.
  • Bob-a-JobSussex
    We booked this online from the UK prior to our trip. It turned out this was the last final event of the season.We enjoyed the evening and had never been to a Rodeo before so did not know quite what to expect.It did feel a little bit 'homespun' as if it was a few local families who kept this going, but in a way that was rather nice. They involved quite a lot of children in proceedings which again was nice both for the kids and for the audience.We had an enjoyable evening here.
  • t0rtiz
    Watching a rodeo with mountains in the background was cool. We did not get covered seating and we were fine-it was a clear night. It was so cute to see the children trying to remove a bandana from several sheep to win a prize. We really had a nice evening here. The concession had a yummy frito pie.
  • Kymmy28
    My first rodeo and I have to admit I really enjoyed it, always wanted to go to one so glad we got the chance. It so happened we were in Jackson hole for the Saturday night only and it was the finals so it worked out nicely. Good fun for everyone and a decent price to get in, we sat in the standard seats, luckily it didn't rain!
  • NYC425
    Everything about this rodeo was good old fashioned fun and entertaining. The announcer was great, the show and events even better. Great way to spend a family evening in JH with a beautiful view of the hills. Highly recommend. Go for the covered seating section, sit on the far left side, and bring a jacket for the chilly evenings in JH. All in all a great time had by all. Highly recommend.
  • eegleman
    Good rodeo action and great involvement for the kids. There are snacks and beverages for purchase and there are many spots available for protection from the rain. Nice event.
  • andrealena
    I was not as pleased with the rodeo as many other reviewers were. We did get our tickets for a few bucks cheaper by buying them online ahead of time, and yes we got the covered seating. While waiting in line to get in, we were entertained by kids on a mechanical bison! (It was cute.) But the rodeo itself was just slow. The announcer and the music were good, but the rodeo started with 7 different "entrepreneurs" trying (and mostly failing) to ride bulls. The pros did better, and the calf roping was neat. But those events went by very quickly, and then the not so good stuff (kids chasing sheep and a dance contest for grown ups) continued. We left after about an hour since it was kind of boring, and we needed to get to sleep for our very early morning flight the next day. Maybe we missed the best parts?
  • DaleYuzuki
    Not usually going for 'touristy' things on vacation, but we had the time in Jackson and thought it would be something unique.Sure enough it was - plenty of 'living history' on display, and worth the effort to plan ahead (got reserved tickets although the general seating is just as good, just come a little early to get a place). Lots of things to keep the kids interested (there are horses and bulls and calves and sheep...) and everyone really enjoyed it. Something you don't see everyday, for sure.
  • letsgovamos
    We had a fantastic time at the rodeo. The announcer was very funny, the rodeo itself was fantastic and our kids loved it. I highly recommend it!!Tickets are cheaper if you buy online in advance, make sure you get covered seats.
  • TravelTwin777
    I had higher hopes for the Jackson Hole Rodeo. I thought the evening was rather slow. The night started out with bull riding, though the announcer stated that these riders ("entrepreneurs from Tennessee" - whatever that meant) had "never done this before" and it showed. Time in between riders was long, and was dragged out further by endless advertisements from the announcer. This portion took at least 40 minutes, with only about 10 seconds total of actual bull riding. Next up was pairs cattle roping, which was exciting and moved fast. We also saw bareback horse riding, which was exciting too. However, time was wasted in between events with the children's sheep chase and then later, a dance off from adult volunteers in the audience. I left after 90 minutes, it just wasn't keeping my attention. The arena is outdoors, so dress for the weather and be prepared to put a dent in your wallet. $30 per adult ticket in the covered seating bleachers (you can save a few bucks by ordering ahead of time online). Not enough action for the price of admission, in my opinion.
  • nealdc
    Hey, if you want an authentic Western rodeo, this is the place. Very professional riders and operators, and the show keeps moving. What fun.
  • 534ginad
    Awesome show lead by awesome announcer. Check out their website jhrodeo.com. Order tickets online and save. Have new appreciation of horsemanship. Two hours of fun. Family friendly.
  • smlevin
    We went to the Rodeo with our kids and grandchildren. What a great time for all! Fun, interesting. I think everyone in our group of seven enjoyed themselves.Good to see the horses, the fans, the grounds...everything! Colorful. Full of energy. And VERY fan friendly.Don't miss this...adds to the authentic cowboy nature of Jackson Hole!
  • Tristanmakes3
    We had the BEST time at the rodeo. We had a 5 1/2 year old, a 7 year old and 10 year old. We ALL absolutely loved it. Great fun, beautiful scenery and worth every penny. We just bought general seating tickets (they were covered thankfully because it rained). THe kids were able to run out and chase the sheep, munch on pretty decent food at the snack bar and then ride the Buffalo on the way out. It was fantastic! A must do - oh and go early and walk around the town of Jackson, quaint, fun and great shopping!!!
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