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monastery karthaus

monastery karthaus

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • folieske4
    Outside the monastery walls hangs a beautiful old crusifix. The Monastery has a small parc. It was originally 1331 built by Archbishop Baldwin of Luxembourg in Trier, outside the city walls.The monastery was destroyed in the 1674 French Palatinate war. After a long search for a location, the monastery was rebuilt from 1680-1730, according to plans from Vitus Schneider (Merzlich). 1794 the monastery was conquered by French troops, abandoned by the monks and soon thereafter lifted by secularization. After several switches of ownership, many reconstructions and again decay, a fundamental renovation took place for the last from 1963 to 1987. The Church serves as a Catholic parish church of Karthaus and the former monastery as community center and for cultural events. Today only the South Wing of the former monastery still stands. Of the North Wing only the cellars remain.
  • NorbertR809
    Das renovierte Kloster in Karthaus biete Gästen insbesondere durch die dort gebotenen Kulturereignisse -vor allem im Festsaal- eine tolle Athosphäre
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